Competition for journalists: Compact for Growth and Jobs

The feature can be written/recorded in the form of an investigative journalism piece, an interview, reportage, or a story/reportage/video/ or rad...

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High Representative/Vice-President Mogherini and Commissioner Hahn start their visit to BiH, meet with members of civil society

The two officials were particularly interested in their counterparts' feedback on the Compact for Growth and Jobs in BiH...

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Technical acceptance of works and hand-over of reconstructed housing units to Roma families completed today in Gracanica, under the EU IPA 2011 project

Within the „Roma Action“ - project financed by the European Union, Hilfswerk Austria International has organized a f...

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EU supports Bosnia and Herzegovina’s integration path

During the visit they will meet leaders of BiH institutions, leaders of the political parties and members of the civil society to discuss reforms...

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Enlargement policy: The EU delivers when the EU-aspiring countries deliver

Bosnia and Herzegovina stands today at cross-roads. Various attempts and initiatives over the past years have tried to unlock the damaging politi...

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EU continues to support State and Entity Statistical Institutions in BiH with new project worth 1 million Euro

The Statistical institutions play key role in the development of a sustainable and reliable statistical system as well as in producing data in ac...

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EUD/EUSR welcome public campaign on electricity market opening

"The Delegation of the European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina/EUSR welcomes the ongoing public campaign carried out by the State Electricity Re...

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EU’s post-floods emergency housing rehabilitation delivers results in Banja Luka

Rehabilitation works on 45 priority housing units have been completed in Banja Luka as part of the EU Floods Recovery Programme, with works on an...

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European Union allocated € 1 million in support of Democracy and Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina has launched a Call for proposals seeking for projects that will contribute to the...

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