Inzko Meets Josipović: BiH’s Sovereignty Is Undisputable

The International Community is committed to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in line with the Dayton Peace Agreem...

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Electorate to hold BiH Leaders accountable

The European Union is committed to “working with the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina so that they can enjoy the same security, prosperity and ...

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Single Economic Space: an Issue on Which the Next Election Should Be Fought

The fractured BiH internal market is directly responsible for unemployment and scandalously widespread poverty, High Representative and EU Specia...

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Fix the Economy

“The message that should go out loud and clear at the beginning of this year’s election campaign is that the potential exists to turn Bosnia ...

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Accelerate reforms and move the Euro-Atlantic integration process forward

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko met today in Sarajevo with Spanish Foreign Minister, Miguel Anhel Moratinos...

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Inzko and Kelly deplore pressures on media freedom

Meeting in Sarajevo, the High Representative and EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko, and the US Permanent Representative to the OSCE, Ian ...

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OHR/EUSR congratulates BiH Commission for Preservation of National Monuments

The OHR/EUSR congratulated the BiH Commission for Preservation of National Monuments on the receipt of the European Union Prize for Cultural Heri...

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EUPM and OHR Welcome Adoption of Law on Internal Affairs of Tuzla Canton

The European Union Police Mission and the Office of the High Representative welcome today’s adoption of the Cantonal Law on Internal Affairs by...

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Inzko thanks Guttenberg for German Contribution and stresses NATO Membership as BiH’s Strategic Goal

High Representative and EU Special Representative Valentin Inzko met today with German Defense Minister Dr. Karl-Theodor Freiherr zu Guttenberg a...

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Attacks on Media Cannot be a Part of a Democratic Election Campaign

“We are seeing a concerted campaign from some politicians to increase inflammatory and nationalistic rhetoric at the expense of much needed ref...

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