HR/EUSR Inzko With Slovenian Representative in the European Parliament, Tanja Fajon

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko, today met in Sarajevo with Tanja Fajon, a member of the European Parliamen...

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Interesting Times Needn’t Be Hard Times

Even in the present political turbulence BiH legislators can take sensible steps to improve citizens’ living conditions, the High Representativ...

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Inzko: Politicisation is a Distraction – BiH Must Refocus On its path to the European Union and the Economy

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko, met today in Sarajevo with Tamsyn Barton, Director of the Europe Departmen...

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High Representative Welcomes Today’s Decisions by Council of Ministers on Visa Liberalisation

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko, has welcomed the adoption of the Proposed Strategy and Action Plan for Pre...

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HR/EUSR Inzko Lists Concrete Steps to Revitalise BiH EU Integration

Speaking in Banja Luka today, the High Representative and EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko, listed concrete steps that BiH political lea...

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Despite Crisis, Leaders Can Still Boost Investment and Jobs

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s political crisis has been accompanied by the loss of tens of thousands of jobs, the High Representative and EU Special...

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Inzko: BiH needs progress on the EU agenda

“The political climate in Bosnia and Herzegovina has worsened over the last few months and most reforms have come to a standstill”, High Repr...

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HR/EUSR Inzko Meets Croatian Foreign Minister Jandroković

High Representative/EU Special Representative Valentin Inzko met with Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Jandroković in Sarajevo today. The HR/EUS...

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Tolerance and Hope Will Prevail

The generosity, solidarity, compassion, tolerance and hope that have always been part of BiH society will prevail over meanness and despair, the ...

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Good News and Bad News

Bosnia and Herzegovina, like other countries in the region, has been hit by the global economic downturn, High Representative and EU Special Repr...

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