High Representative Welcomes Today’s Decisions by Council of Ministers on Visa Liberalisation

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko, has welcomed the adoption of the Proposed Strategy and Action Plan for Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorist Activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Proposed Agreement on Cooperation and Exchange of Information from Police and Prosecutorial Records, at today’s session of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

Adoption of these two key documents is an important step towards meeting the requirements of the Visa Regime Liberalisation Road Map. “Citizens deserve and need more positive news such as this,” HR/EUSR Inzko said. He said that the faster progress that has been achieved since the last negative assessment by the European Union in July, and this was positive.

Incorporating the passports of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Schengen White List depends solely on fulfilling the criteria set out by the European Union. BiH political leaders are responsible for fulfilling these criteria, and on this occasion they have demonstrated that they can carry out their responsibilities and they should be congratulated for this.


“Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina deserve the same as everyone else in the region. My office and I remain fully committed to the goal of facilitating the process of liberalisation of the visa regime, in order to ensure that Bosnia and Herzegovina is included in the Schengen White List as soon as possible”, HR/EUSR Inzko concluded.
