Inzko Meets Bildt: Little Progress in Meeting the Conditions for OHR Transition

There has been little progress since the last session of the Peace Implementation Council in meeting the five conditions and two objectives for O...

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A More Positive Direction

The people of Bosnia and Herzegovina have shown resilience in the face of political leaders who have repeatedly failed them, and the internationa...

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Implementation of Conditionality at the Root of EU Accession

The High Representative/EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko, and the EU Commissioner for Enlargement, Ollie Rehn, agreed last night that li...

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HR/EUSR Inzko met with Turkish officials in Ankara

High Representative and European Union’s Special Representative Valentin Inzko, met in Ankara last night with Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet D...

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Political Dialogue Must Be Strengthened

In Bosnia and Herzegovina there is no substitute to compromise; by strengthening their political dialogue, Bosnia and Herzegovina’s political l...

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Valentin Inzko Meets Jaap de Hoop Scheffer

High Representative and EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko, met today with the outgoing NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, whe...

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Valentin Inzko met with Božo Ljubić

High Representative and EU Special Representative Valentin Inzko met today in Sarajevo with the President of HDZ 1990, Božo Ljubić, with whom h...

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HR/EUSR Inzko Meets NATO General McColl

Meeting in Sarajevo today to discuss the political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, High Representative and EU Special Representative Valenti...

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Inzko Meets with Italian Secretary of State Alfredo Mantica

The High Representative and EU Special Representative, Valentin Inzko, met today in Sarajevo with Italian State Secretary Alfredo Mantica.

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Inzko Meets US Congress Delegation: Time for Constitutional Reform

The leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina must continue to work towards the creation of an efficient and effective state that is able to meet its dom...

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