Lajčák Welcomes Adoption of BiH Higher Education Law

The High Representative and European Union Special Representative, Miroslav Lajcak, has welcomed the adoption of BiH’s Higher Education Law by Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Parliament today.

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Higher Education Law enables student mobility and means that BiH diplomas will be recognised within the European Higher Education Area.

“This is the best possible news for more than 100,000 students and staff of this country’s higher education institutions,” the High Representative and EU Special Representative said. “I am pleased to see the responsibility shown by political leaders and parties in taking measures for the future of the all citizens of this country.”

The state-level Framework Law on Higher Education is both a European Partnership requirement and a Council of Europe post-accession obligation. Its adoption creates a legislative framework for reforming higher education in line with the principles of both the Bologna Process and the requirements of the Lisbon Recognition Convention.

“This law has created a sound legal foundation for ongoing improvements in Higher Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” the High Representative and EU Special Representative said. “Implementation of the law is now important, and needs to commence as soon as possible.”