High Representative/EUSR Lajčák Meets HDZ BiH President Čović

The High Representative and EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajčák continued his consultations with senior BiH political figures today with a meeting with the President of the HDZ BiH, Dragan Čović. The HR/EUSR has been calling on party leaders to build political consensus around a strategy for the country for the autumn.

The HR/EUSR and Mr. Čovićsupported the idea of holding a joint meeting of the leaders of the six governing parties to prepare BiH for progress.

The requirements arising out of the SAA as well as the conditions and goals set by PIC for OHR transition means BiH has no time to waste

Discussing constitutional change the HR/EUSR said it was clear that an agreement exists between stakeholders that talks should commence after the October elections.  “If there is an understanding that the constitutional question cannot be delayed then serious preparations need to be made,” said the HR/EUSR.

Noting that the FBiH is undergoing through serious economic and fiscal situation the HR/EUSR expressed his expectation that leaders address existing challenges in the spirit of compromise. The HR/EUSR also called for full implementation of the Federation PBS law now that it has been passed.

The HR/EUSR called on parties who form coalition at the local level in Stolac to find quickly a positive resolution to the Stolac School issue prior to the end of August, bearing in mind that pupils must not be victims of political inability to take up responsibilities. 


The HR/EUSR will next meet Mr Mladen Ivanic, the President of PDP.
