Lajčák: Speed up concrete actions with regard to the Prud Agreement

High Representative and EU Special Representative, Miroslav Lajčák, met today with HDZ BiH President Dragan Čović and talked with him about speeding up the implementation of the agreement reached at the Prud meeting of the Presidents of the SDA, the HDZ BiH and the SNSD. The EU also welcomed this agreement in the form of support expressed by Javier Solana, High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, and the PIC also gave its support and its member states stand completely united in the request to meet all five objectives and two conditions the PIC established in February. The biggest benefit of the 8 November Agreement signed in Prud for Bosnia and Herzegovina is that all agreed reforms, should they be implemented, would represent a firm step towards unblocking reform processes.

“The key is now to turn the Agreement into concrete legal solutions. The political will exists. The Agreement should now become tangible and readiness for the integration processes with the EU should be shown in that manner “, High Representative and EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajčák said.

It was jointly stated that the ultimate goal the International Community wishes to achieve is quite clear: Bosnia and Herzegovina as a peaceful, sustainable country that steadily progresses on the path of Euro-Atlantic integration.