Successful completion of the EU funded project of strengthening enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in BiH

The results and future activities of the EU funded project: “Support to the Institutions within the System of the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights – Bosnia and Herzegovina” were presented at the project’s closing conference on January 30 in Sarajevo.

The objective of this two-year project was to strengthen the capacities of Intellectual Property Rights enforcement authorities in BiH and improve cooperation among those institutions. Furthermore, the project also worked on establishing an effective system for the protection of intellectual property rights.

Martin Schieder, Head of Operations Section for Economic Development, Natural Resource and Infrastructure at the EU Delegation to BiH said in his opening speech: “Bosnia and Herzegovina has undertaken the obligation regarding the intellectual, industrial and commercial property by signing the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with the EU. The project assisted Bosnia and Herzegovina and its institutions in fulfilling obligations from the SAA and in line with EU standards. It is essential to continue further work on enforcement of intellectual property rights and cooperation between different enforcement institutions as intellectual property rights enforcement is an important part of future negotiations and accession to EU.”

The European Union financed the project through the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA 2011) in the amount of approximately 1,5 million EUR. The project was implemented by a consortium led by SOFRECO.