“EU at Your Door” to visit Teslic

This week the “EU at Your Door” project will visit Teslic, where a one-and-a-half day programme of EU-themed activities will be organised. Teslic high-school students, young people and citizens taking part in the programme will have an opportunity to learn more about EU values and policies and to speak directly to EU officials about the EU integration process and the impact this is likely to have on daily life in local communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Jean-Pierre Biebuyck, Head of the Belgian Diplomatic Bureau, David Brozina, Slovenian Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission and Giulio Zanni, Head of the EU Delegation’s Banja Luka Office, will meet senior students of Nikola Tesla High School for a discussion on Friday 9 May. Students will be able to learn more about EU programmes for young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina and will have an opportunity to discuss the shared values of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the EU.

On Saturday 10 May, Croatian Ambassador Ivan Del Vechio will lead the “EU at Your Door” activities in Teslic. In the morning Ambassador Del Vechio will meet residents of Teslic for “Coffee with the EU” at the Paradiso cafe bar. Later, he will join Mayor Milan Milicevic at the premises of Prosveta to welcome participants in the quiz, talent and entertainment programmes of the EU Show.

The EUSR launched the “EU at Your Door” initiative in cooperation with 15 municipalities across Bosnia and Herzegovina with the aim of helping citizens to learn more about this country’s EU perspective. Since the launch, the project has visited nine local communities and after Teslic its tour will continue to Sokolac on 16-17 May.
For further information and a detailed outline of “EU at Your Door” programmes, please visit the Facebook page “EU pred tvojim vratima”. For media queries please contact the EUSR Press Office on +387 (0)33 560 821.

Media are cordially invited to cover the “EU at Your Door” programme in Teslic at the SPKD Prosveta on 10 May from 14:00.
