Europe Week launched in BiH with basketball tournament in Mostar

Europe Week, a programme of public events in Bosnia and Herzegovina leading up to Europe Day on May 9, was launched today with the competition “Mostar Euro Basket Cup 2014” at the sports field of Mostar High School.

In this basketball tournament organised by the EU Delegation to BiH and the EU Info Centre, eight mixed boys’ and girls’ teams from Mostar high schools competed for the cup and title of the best team of the city.

Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to BiH, Dr. Renzo Daviddi, opened the tournament by highlighting the importance of Europe Day and the EU commitment to BiH.

“Europe Day is the most important date in the history of the European Union, it is the date which has brought peace and prosperity to our member states, and has helped improve lives of the EU citizens. We want Bosnia and Herzegovina to be a part of it”, Dr. Daviddi said.

The event was also attended by a representative of the Mostar city administration, Head of the Department of Social Services, Božo Ćorić.

After hard-fought matches, the High School for Economics “Jozo Martinović” won the Cup, prevailing over the team from Mostar High School in the final event. The “Grge Martića” High School won the trophy for third place.

The Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina and the EU Info Centre are marking Europe Day in Bosnia and Herzegovina with sports and cultural events across the country. After the event in Mostar, Tuzla and Banja Luka will host basketball tournaments in the coming days.