“EU at Your Door” in Prozor-Rama

The countrywide information initiative “EU at Your Door”, organised by the Office of the EU Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, continues its tour of municipalities across the country.  This week it will visit Prozor-Rama, where a one-and-a-half day programme of EU-themed activities will be organised.

Francois League, Deputy Head of Mission of the French Embassy and Adrian Pollmann, Deputy Head of Mission of the German Embassy in BiH, will take part in a debate on Tuesday that will gather senior-grade students at Prozor High School. Students will be able to learn more about EU programmes for young people in this country and will have an opportunity to discuss the shared values of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the EU.

EUSR Political Advisors Petar Kraljevic and Amila Ibricevic will present different parts of the programme in Prozor-Rama on 29-30 April.

EUSR Political Adviser Marsaili Fraser will join the “EU at Your Door” programme on Wednesday. She will meet Prozor-Rama residents for “Coffee with the EU” at Caffe Miami. Mayor Jozo Ivancevic will later join at the Sports and Culture Centre to welcome participants in the quiz, talent and entertainment programmes of the EU Show.
The EUSR is organising the “EU at Your Door” initiative in cooperation with 15 municipalities across Bosnia and Herzegovina with the aim of helping citizens to learn more about this country’s EU perspective. After Prozor-Rama the project will visit Teslic on 9-10 May

For further information and a detailed outline of “EU at Your Door” programmes, please visit the Facebook page “EU pred tvojim vratima”. For media queries please contact the EUSR Press Office on +387 (0)33 560 821.
