“EU at Your Door” launches in Ugljevik

“During the school debate I got some positive answers, some of them I had not even expected. I even changed my mind and believe that we need to enter EU and work together”, said Nevena Jovićić. a participant of the high school student debate held in Ugljevik on Friday the 14th March, as part of the first round of events in the “EU at Your Door” project, financed by the Office of the EU Special Representative (EUSR).

In the first part of the weekend programme, 40 high school students discussed EU values and EU accession with Jean-Pierre Biebuyck, Head of the Diplomatic Bureau of Belgium in BiH, and Andy McGuffie, Spokesperson/Head of Communication of the EUSR Office.

During the second day of the EU-themed programme, the Ugljevik municipality and local Mayor Mr Vasilije Peric opened the doors of the town’s cultural centre to host an EU quiz, talent show, theatre play and concert which was well attended by local families.  Earlier in the day, ‘Coffee with the EU’, at which citizens of Ugljevik had the opportunity to meet and speak with EUSR staff about BiH’s progress in EU integration and the impact of EU-related reforms on life in local communities took place.

The project will hold 14 more such events around BiH in the coming weeks. More pictures, information and a detailed outline of “EU at Your Door” project, can be found at the Facebook page ‘EU pred tvojim vratima’.

Video materials from the programme ”EU at your door” in Ugljevik can be seen and downloaded at http://www.sensservis.info.
