EU Commissioner Füle visits Bosnia and Herzegovina

Štefan Füle, EU Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy, will visit Bosnia and Herzegovina on 7 and 8 October 2010. Commi...

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EU supports BiH in identification and management of important bird areas

All media are invited to a project presentation that will take place at the Department for Natural Sciences, National History Museum on Friday, 1...

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First phase of the project “Strengthening of local democracy” ends successfully

The results of the Project “Strengthening of local democracy” (LOD) implemented in 14 municipalities in BiH were presented on Thursday, Septe...

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European Union support to the preservation of cultural heritage in Stolac

On 23 September 2010 the European Commission adopted an amendment to a 1.5 million Euro Financing Decision to support the preservation of cultura...

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Conference on “New technical legislation”

One day conference on “New technical legislation – Revolution for free trade and product safety” was held in Sarajevo today. The conference...

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HELP celebrates 15 years of successful work in BiH and marks a beginning of new project financed by the EU

Event marking the 15th anniversary of successful work of German non-government organization Help in BiH was held today. The event also marked the...

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Project “Trebizat Heritage Trails” to increase the number of tourists and overnight stays in Herzegovina

First meeting of Steering board of project “Trebizat Heritage Trails” was held in Mostar today. Apart from presentation of entire project, wh...

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European Language Day marked

Five EU Info centres (EUIC) in BiH have marked the European Language Day on 24th of September. In cooperation with Centre for security studies an...

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Working brunch for BiH journalists regarding EURELSMED presentation

Support of the European Union to the building of institutional capacities for regional and local development of small and medium enterprises (EUR...

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EU supports development of entrepreneurship and tourism in BiH

Delegation of European Union in BIH presented 11 new projects today for support of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and development of...

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