Thematic week: Internet Fair at Sarajevo Economics Faculty

As part of the EU’s Thematic Week project in Bosnia and Herzegovina, an Internet Fair was organised at the Sarajevo Economics Faculty with a vi...

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EU Assistance to the BiH administration in implementation of the decentralised management system

Press conference marking the closure of the project “Capacity Building of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury in the Decentralised Implementat...

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On February 17th, 2010 at Hotel “Opal Exclusive” in Bihac, the Center for promotion of local development-PLOD Center Bihac, organized a final...

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EU assists BiH administration in implementation of the decentralised management system

All media are invited to a press conference marking the closure of the project “Capacity Building of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury in th...

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Closing ceremony of the Regional Business Matchmaking Centre Project

All media are cordially invited to the Closing ceremony of the Regional Business Matchmaking Centre Project in Bosnia and Herzegovina, organized ...

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Closing ceremony of the Twinning project “Capacity building of the Ministry of Security through the establishment of the National Security Authority”

The closing ceremony of the EU funded Twinning project “Capacity building of the Ministry of Security through the esta...

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Closing ceremony of the Twinning project “Capacity building of the Ministry of Security through the establishment of the National Security Authority”

All media are invited to attend the closing ceremony of the EU funded Twinning project “Capacity building of the Minis...

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SAFER INTERNET DAY – Think before you post!

Today marks the seventh edition of the event. Celebrations are taking in more than 60 countries on all 5 continents across the world, from Canada...

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European Parliament approves new European Commission

The European Parliament elected the new European Commission by 488 votes to 137, with 72 abstentions, in Strasbourg on Tuesday. The vote took the...

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Statement by Ambassador Dimitris Kourkoulas, Head of the EU Delegation to BiH

Following the misleading media reports on the Visa Liberalisation process, Ambassador Dimitris Kourkoulas, Head of the European Union Delegation ...

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